Friday, June 20, 2008

Goldrush Day

Boobandit bandana

Today was Goldrush day at school. A cumulation of this terms work so far on the goldrush. Jai headed off a little sheepishly this morning in his costume..
Hey this costume rocks! I didn't get time to make the hat like I was going to but I borrowed one and he loved it!
And so off he went. It was a heap of fun! I went up to the school at 11:30, Caine met me at 11:45. We Listened to the kids tell some stories about the gold fields then went downstairs for the production. There was songs poems dances and a play. Jai did really well with all, even helping a young girl with her lines. I was a very proud girl as I sat there and watched Jai. He's a natural actor and projects his lines clearly and with expression.
The playPhotobucketPhotobucket

Then it was time for the goldrush game!! It was set up similarly to the olden days. The teachers sold a licence (50 cents) to all the kids, Then let them go...They had hidden A LOT of rocks spraypainted gold in the schoolyard. The kids raced around and trampled the gardens till they had found a nugget then had to yell Eureka!! and run back to the claims office to get their "money" At the end prizes were awarded.
It kept the kids occupied for at least a hour..I was sitting there taking photos and listening to Eureka!!! eureka!!! Eureka!! From all over and kids are sprinting back and forth with a look of such stress and urgency their faces..God it was funny!
He won two certificates. One for a great performance, and one for a great costume.
All in all it was a really good day.


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